Evaluation of stretch reflex synergies in the upper limb using principal component analysis (PCA)
Published: 10 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/44n4m42rvw.1
Frida Torell Description
The data was obtained from the right arm of 16 (8:8, female:male) right handed participants. Surface electromyography (EMG) signals were recorded from seven arm muscles: (1) m. brachioradialis, (2) m. biceps brachii, (3) m. triceps brachii caput laterale, (4) m. triceps brachii caput longum, (5) m. deltoideus pars anterior (6) m. deltoideus pars posterior, and (7) m. pectoralis major.
Electromyography, Kinematics