Mating behavior and reproductive success of Doru luteipes (Dermaptera: Forficulidae)

Published: 19 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/44rx5dt7gj.1
Letícia Silva,


The common earwig Doru luteipes (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) is a generalist/omnivorous predator that can be easily reared and is commonly found in different agricultural crops. The attendance of males during rearing may represent a hindrance, due to longevity, food consumption, and use of other rearing-related resources. During Dermaptera mating, a ritual between males and females commonly occurs; however, this has not been reported for D. luteipes. We observed the D. luteipes mating ritual and evaluated the role that male attendance plays in the reproductive success of D. luteipes females and progeny generation. We used three simulations: i) a newly emerged female × a male for 24 h, ii) three males × the newly emerged female up until the first egg laying, and iii) three males × a female until death. Subsequently, only the female or female + male was isolated in plastic containers with an artificial diet and shelter for oviposition. There was difference among the simulations for the preoviposition period, percentage of nymph hatching, percentage of fertilized eggs, and period of care for inviable eggs. Female longevity was higher in the simulations that resulted in a lower nymph hatching rate, which can be attributed to the fact that the females spent less energy caring for newly hatched nymphs. Our results show that for females to lay fertile eggs, the presence of male is essential, and the choice of male by the female can directly affect the percentage of nymph hatching and the generation of offspring.



Universidade Federal de Lavras Departamento de Entomologia


Entomology, Biological Control, Predator Behavior, Earwig
