Data for: Major lineages of Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae diversified during the Andean uplift
Published: 19 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/44xmwp5njs.1
RAFAEL ACUNA, Tilo Henning, Maximilian Weigend, Federico LuebertDescription
Research data: Concatenated alignment used to infer the divergence times and biogeographic history of Loasoideae and maximum clade credibility trees of Cornales in .tre format for callibration schemes A, B and C. Refer to the main article: Acuña, Luebert, Henning & Weigend. Major lineages of Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae diversified during the Andean uplift. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, for details.
Biological Sciences, Botany, Biogeography, Loasaceae, Phylogenetics, South America, Central America