Quantified images plus videos of iron and manganese reduction of IRIS films in hypersaline soils

Published: 14 December 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/454kxn8jrg.2


These data belong to the research project (AQUASALT), EraNET that in Spain has been supported by grant PCI2018-09299 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110 0 011033 and co-funded by the European Union. The data corresponds to the Spanish study area, the Salineta inland saline wetland (41°28'55.34"N, 0° 9'23.59"W) located 60 km far from Zaragoza city, in one of the most arid areas of the Central Ebro Basin, NE Spain. In this project we studied the redox conditions of the hypersaline soils in Salineta playa-lake, which are subjected to intermittent flooding, along a period of 17 months, in 2019 and 2020. The data were obtained during the monitoring of the soil redox conditions using IRIS (Indicators of Reduction in Soils) films and clear IRIS tubes coated with iron oxide and manganese oxide and supplied by the Prof. Martin Rabenhorst and Dr. Brian Scott, from the University of Maryland, USA. The monitoring of the IRIS films consisted on the quantification of the oxide-coating removed from the films. The oxide-coating of the films was reduced and then dissolved due to the microbial action. Firstly, the manganese-oxide coated films and later the iron-oxide coated films lost gradually their cover paint until showing the white underlying PVC film without paint. Content: This dataset comprises 20 folders corresponding to the 10 iron plus 10 manganese IRIS film samplings in Salineta playa-lake. Each IRIS sampling includes also a video obtained with the clear IRIS tubes installed close to the IRIS films. We followed the method and camera instrument described in Scott et al. (2021) (DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20171). The videos of the soil allowed the direct monitoring of the oxide-paint removal and guided the successive sampling of the IRIS films. Each sampling included the video-image monitoring of the clear-IRIS tubes and the retrieval of three replicates of Fe and Mn IRIS films. Each folder contains the field photographs of the three iron or manganese films sampled. The photographs were processed: after cropping to the area of interest, they were binarized and the reduced (white) area of the film was then quantified. The numbering of the folders follows the order of sampling, from 1 to 10, and folders are labeled with F for iron and with M for manganese films. The Excel worksheet included in the present dataset contains the quantification data of the oxide-coating removed from iron and manganese films, together with the quantification of the black sulfides deposited on the iron films. The film area under reducing conditions (white PVC film) is expressed in percentage of the total film area. This percentage of paint removed has been calculated: 1) for every cm of the film depth (50 cm), 2) in the upper 0-30 cm of the film, and 3) in the total length of the film (0-50 cm). The removal rate indicates the reducing conditions evolution and intensity in the studied soils of the saline wetland.


Steps to reproduce

The quantification data can be reproduced by applying a new binarization of the phohotographs using an automatic or a manual method with a free software such as GIMP. The video data can be processed to obtain a whole image for each video and sampling date.


Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Gobierno de Espana Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion


Wetlands, Soil, Salinity, Redox Process


Agencia Estatal de Investigación

PCI2018-09299 and PID2021-127170OB-I00
