Data for labor market concentration using Lightcast (formerly Burning Glass Technologies)
Published: 11 November 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/45r6ps4r68.2
, Description
Using the job vacancy data from Lightcast from 2007Q1 to 2021Q2 (2008 and 2009 data are not available), we measure labor market concentration by using the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) in labor markets defined by the occupation (6-digit SOC), commuting zone, and quarterly level. The HHI is calculated based on the share of vacancies of all the firms that post vacancies in that market. It is the sum of vacancies by a given firm in a given market and year-quarter divided by the total vacancies of all firms posted on the website in that market and year-quarter. Data includes information on year-quarter, 6-digit SOC, commuting Zone, lower bound HHI, and higher bound HHI.
Labor Economics, Monopsony, Labor Market
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation