Data for: creation of (multi-)fractal urban development scenarios for the metropolitan area of Besançon, eastern France

Published: 11 October 2017| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/46brjh8nzt.2
Cécile Tannier, Hélène Houot,


This data set can be used to create urban development scenarios for the metropolitan area of Besançon, eastern France. It contains six shapefiles that represent respectively buildings, public transport stations, shops and services, leisure facilities and green areas, non-developable areas, and the number of housing units in each local community. It also contains tables that can be used to assess access to shops and services as well as leisure facilities and green areas. Data can be used to create multifractal development scenarios with the software application Fractalopolis and fractal scenarios of residential development with the software application MUP-City.



Geography, Urban Planning
