Mango DMC and NIR spectra

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/46htwnp833.4


These datasets contain Near-infrared (NIR) absorbance spectra of the wavelength range 309-149 nm of mango mesocarp with corresponding Dry Matter Content (DMC) values. The file "MangoDMC_NIR_Data_v3.csv" contains data as used in the publication "Achieving robustness across season, location and cultivar for a NIRS model for intact mango fruit dry matter content" (Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 168:111202;, with addition of data from an additional harvest season, as used in the publication "Evaluation of 1D Convolutional Neural Network in Estimation of Mango Dry Matter Content" (Spectrochimica Acta Part A 2024 311: 124003; This file is as presented in version 3 of this data repository. The current version (4) has an additional file ".csv". This file augments the data of version 3 with data from additional instruments and seasons as used in the submitted thesis of Jeremy Walsh, 2024, Central Queensland University, "Deep Learning in Estimation of Fruit Attributes Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy".


Steps to reproduce

Follow the steps listed in the materials and methods in the companion paper.


Central Queensland University


Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Absorbance, Mango
