Soil legacy of grazing shapes current ecosystem multifunctionality in a temperate grassland

Published: 4 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/47f9m4yxrb.1
Jianlu Wu


| | | |-|-| |Variables Used in Experimental Analysis| | | | | |YEAR|YEAR OF DATA COLLECTION,2021| |4 grazed meadows| light, moderate, heavy or extremely heavy grazing| |4 plant community|Leymus chinensis,Forb,Puccinellia tenuiflora,Chloris virgata| |All plant communities were grown with 4 soil types| |BD|soil bulk density| |TC|total carbon| |TN|total nitrogen | |T0C|Total organic carbon| |EMF|ecosystem multifunctionality| |Frichness|fungi richness | |Brichness|bacteria richness| |PN|Plant Nitrogen Content| |PC|Plant Carbon Content| |LL|The Growth of Leymus chinensis Communities in Soils Subjected to Light Grazing Pressure| |LF|The Growth of Forb Communities in Soils Subjected to Light Grazing Pressure| |LP|The Growth of Puccinellia tenuiflora Communities in Soils Subjected to Light Grazing Pressure| |LC|The Growth of Chloris virgata Communities in Soils Subjected to Light Grazing Pressure| |FL|The Growth of Leymus chinensis Communities in Soils Subjected to Moderate Grazing Pressure| Grazing Pressure| |FF|The Growth of Forb Communities in Soils Subjected to Moderate Grazing Pressure| |fP|The Growth of Puccinellia tenuiflora Communities in Soils Subjected to Moderate Grazing Pressure| |FC|The Growth of Chloris virgata Communities in Soils Subjected to Moderate Grazing Pressure| |PL|The Growth of Leymus chinensis Communities in Soils Subjected to Heavy Grazing Pressure| |PF|The Growth of Forb Communities in Soils Subjected to Heavy Grazing Pressure| |PP|The Growth of Puccinellia tenuiflora Communities in Soils Subjected to Heavy Grazing Pressure| |PC|The Growth of Chloris virgata Communities in Soils Subjected to Heavy Grazing Pressure| |CL|The Growth of Leymus chinensis Communities in Soils Subjected to Extremely heavy Grazing Pressure| |CF|The Growth of Forb Communities in Soils Subjected to Extremely heavy Grazing Pressure| |CP|The Growth of Puccinellia tenuiflora Communities in Soils Subjected to Extremely heavy Grazing Pressure| |CC|The Growth of Chloris virgata Communities in Soils Subjected to Extremely heavy Grazing Pressure| |Soil1|light grazing soil| |Soil2| moderate grazing soil| |Soil3| heavy grazing soil| |Soil4| extremely heavy grazing soil| |LAP|Leucine amino peptidase| |NAG|β-1, 4-N-acetylglucosaminidase| |AG|α-1, 4-glucosidase| |BG|β-1, 4-glucosidase| |BX|β-1, 4-xylosidase| |CBH|β-D-cellobiohydrolase| |AP|Alkaline phosphomonoesterase| |MBC|Microbial biomass C| |MBN|Microbial biomass N|



Ecology, Grassland Ecology
