Observations of different litter categories in Santos beaches (Sao Paulo, Brazil) according to season, tide and moon phase
Raw data from 80 collections performed in Embaré and Boqueirão beaches, located at Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, between October 2015 (spring) and July 2016 (winter). Data files contain counts (abundance.csv) and weights (weight.csv) of litter found in Santos beaches according to season, tidal status and moon phase. The codes within the files refer to: - Hard plastics (hp) - Acrylic shreds, beach sandals, disposable plastic cups, general plastic containers (margarine yogurt, ice cream, cleaning products), plastic electronic parts (including boxes and containers), plastic lollipop sticks, plastic toys for children, soda plastic (PET) bottles and rings. - Soft plastics (sp) - Candy/snack boxes and packaging, disposable bags, straws, general plastic labels (soda, beer, cleaning products) - Styrofoam -(st) - General Styrofoam pieces - Wood debris -(wo) - Broom handles, furniture pieces, ice cream sticks, logs. - Other - (ot) - Building and fisheries debris; charcoal shreds; fabric shreds; glass shreds; metal (aerosol spray, beer and soda cans, aluminum paper, batteries and cells, other general metal shreds); and paper shreds.