Effects of the transition from dry forest to pasture on bacterial communities and chemical properties in soils in Northeastern Brazil

Published: 7 January 2022| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/483vh8mdrv.5
, Julyana Oliveira,


"Soil Chemistry and Enzymes" is a dataset captured from soils from the 0-10 cm layer of pastures and forests of three municipalities located in the Microregion of Garanhuns, Pernambuco state (Northeast Brazil): Brejão (8°59'39.95"S; 36°32'22.69" W), Garanhuns (8°58'27.25"S; 36°27'8.12"W) and São João (8°48'35.77"S; 36°24'25.19"W). This study evaluated the transition from dry forest (FO) to pastures in a varied productive state, one with less activity (PA) and another more productive (PB). This pasture state was defined based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), calculated from images from the Multispectral and Panchromatic Wide-Scan Camera (WPM) of the CBERS 4A satellite (L4) (INPE - Brazil). The "CBERS_4A_WPM_BAND0-4" files represent the cropped images for the study area. Chemical and enzymatic characteristics of the soils are noted in the "Soil Chemistry and Enzymes.xlsx" file. The raw gene sequences from the 16S rRNA gene library (bacteria) were also made available in the "16S_rRNA.rar" file. The library was constructed from genomic DNA extracted from the 0-10 cm soil layer and sequencing was performed on the Illumina MiSeq platform (300 bp paired-end).



Bioinformatics, Enzymatic Activity, Microbial Ecology, Forest Soil, Dryland Soil, Pasture Protection
