Spectral radiative properties of hydrogenated tetra-propylene (TPH)

Published: 18 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4856dxczvp.1
Farid Alinejad, Hadi Bordbar, Simo Hostikka


Absorption_Coefficient_TPH.xlsx: Calculated absorption coefficient of TPH from measured transmissivities for the wavelength range from 0.204 to 25 µm Refractive_index_TPH.xlsx: Extracted refractive index of TPH for the wavelength range from 0.204 to 25 µm Transmissivity_FTIR_KBr_window.xlsx: Measured transmissivity for two KBr windows with thickness of 3 mm per each window using FTIR spectrometer for the wavelength range from 2.5 to 25 µm Transmissivity_FTIR_TPH.xlsx: Measured transmissivity for TPH with layer thicknesses of 25, 50, and 100 µm using FTIR spectrometer for the wavelength range from 2.25 to 28.5 µm Transmissivity_UV-Vis_KBr_window.xlsx: Measured transmissivity for two KBr windows with thickness of 3 mm per each window using UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer for the wavelength range from 200 to 2500 nm Transmissivity_UV-Vis_TPH.xlsx: Measured transmissivity for TPH with layer thicknesses of 0.6 and 3.0 mm using UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer for the wavelength range from 200 to 2250 nm


Steps to reproduce

Transmissivity of TPH and KBr windows were collected by doing spectroscopy for different thicknesses of TPH. Absorption coefficient was calculated from measured transmissivity and applying the derived equation and linear regression method. Absorptive index was calculated from absorption coefficient by their relation. Refractive index was extracted using measured refractive index of TPH at wavelength of 0.589 microns and applying Kramers-Kronig transform.




Optics, Fire Safety


Research Council of Finland



