The Effect of Back Squat Depth and Load on Lower Body Muscle Activity in Group Exercise Participants

Published: 4 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/48hx5885ry.1
Kathy O'Neill


Each file shows the EMG data for one study participant. There were 10 participants in total. Four muscles were analysed: Gluteus Maximus (GM), Biceps Femoris (BF), Vastus Lateralis (VL), Lateral Gastrocnemius (LG) For each muscle, mean and peak EMG data were obtained There were 4 squat conditions: 90 degree knee angle, 23% bodyweight load (90D 23L) 90 degree knee angle, 38% bodyweight load (90D 38L) 125 degree knee angle, 23% bodyweight load (125D 23L) 125 degree knee angle, 38% bodyweight load (125D 38L) For each condition, 5 squats were analysed. Each repetition was divided into an eccentric (E) and concentric (C) phase. The eccentric phase of repetition 1 is abbreviated as 1:E etc. Each participant also performed 5 Countermovement Jumps (CMJs) The squat data were normalised against the CMJ data



Exercise Physiology
