DESCAQ development

Published: 26 July 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/48k3hyvfn8.2
Mariano González-Pérez, Ana Barrio, Rosario Susi, Beatriz Antona


This excel file contains a sheet for each of the data in the development and validation of the DESCAQ. In the Spanish phase, we collected data from an item bank developed in previous studies and performed Rasch analysis to calibrate items. In the English phase, we administered to a big sample the DESCAQ item-bank as translated by the translation team, we performed Rasch analysis to calibrate items and used the resultant parameters to configurate a new computerized adaptive test. This test was administered twice within two weeks for calculating the test-retest repeatability.


Steps to reproduce

1. Perform PCM analysis with data shown in the first worksheet 2. Perform PCM analysis with data shown in the second worksheet 3. Calculate repeatability limits with data shown in the third worksheet (score1 vs. score 2) 4. Compute coefficient of correlation between CVSS17 and score 1


Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Public Health, Rasch Analysis
