MoLa SDRs Calibration
This repository presents the dataset described in the article "Metrological Evaluation of Software-Defined Radios (Adalm-Pluto and LimeSDR usb) in Radio Frequency Signal Generation", published in 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. The dataset consists of three matlab .m files (dataset_pluto.mat, dataset_limesdr.mat, and dataset_sfe100.mat) that contain the characterization of the three devices under study (i.e., Adalm-Pluto, LimeSDR usb, and SFE100). The idea of publishing this dataset is to access information about the equipment's capability to produce Radio Frequency (RF) signals, i.e., to compare Software-Defined Radio (SDR) technology (i.e. Adalm-Pluto and LimeSDR usb) with highly certified metrological equipment (i.e. SFE100) in the production of RF signals. A carrier wave signal was produced for each device in the full range of frequencies and amplitudes described by the manufacturer, and the final signal produced was recorded. Inside each file .m relative to each equipment, there is the IF (Input Frequency), OF (Output Frequency), IG (Input Gain), OG (Output Gain), and CNO (Carrier to Noise Spectral Density Ratio). Accessing Toolchain.m, we can provide graphically the range of Gains and Frequencies of emission of RF signals for the three equipments and metrics such as: uncertainty Gain Output (dBm), Frequency (Hz) with a confidence of 95%, and CN0 (Carrier to Noise Spectral Density Ratio). In this way, we can provide detailed and personalized information on the natural behavior of each equipment in the injection of carrier waves for each of the ranges achieved by the respective equipment.