Divergent association between pain intensity and resting‐state fMRI‐based brain entropy in different age groups

Published: 6 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4b2cf8hmp8.1
Gianpaolo Del Mauro,


This repository contains brain entropy maps and behavioral data used for the study: Del Mauro, G., Sevel, L. S., Boissoneault, J., & Wang, Z. (2024). Divergent association between pain intensity and resting‐state fMRI‐based brain entropy in different age groups. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 102(5), e25341.


Steps to reproduce

Data used in this study were retrieved from the Human Connectome Project - Young Adults (HCP-Y) dataset (Van Essen and others 2013) and the Human Connectome Project - Aging (HCP-A) dataset (Bookheimer and others 2019). Each participant included a maximum of four resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) runs. Only participants with four rsfMRI runs were included in the analyses. First, BEN maps were computed from all individual rsfMRI runs of each participant using the BEN toolbox (Wang and others 2014). Participants with at least one outlier BEN map were excluded from the sample (see Del Mauro et al. 2024). Then, BEN maps of the same participants were averaged to create a single BEN map. Average BEN maps were then harmonized using the neuroHarmonize library (https://github.com/rpomponio/neuroHarmonize) (Pomponio and others 2020) to account for potential site effects between HCP-YA and HCP-A datasets. Data uploaded here include: 1) Harmonized average BEN maps (BEN_maps.zip) 2) Behavioral data relevant to replicate the analyses (age, gender, education, and pain ratings) (behavioral_data.csv) 3) SPM12 results; SPM12 batches can be easily reproduced by estimating multiple regression models with the appropriate images and regressors


University of Maryland School of Medicine, University of Minnesota


Cognitive Neuroscience


National Institute on Aging

