North Korean Trade Data: Exports and Imports

Published: 14 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4bzc6m34dy.1
Aaron Stephens,


This dataset corresponds to academic research regarding a publication: "An analysis of North Korean trade amid warming global relations utilizing RCA, RSCA, and TBI." The data is being made publically available for continued analysis and in order for others to reproduce the findings of our research. It includes minimally the export values and import values of North Korea. Additionally, the calculated indices are provided: Revealed Comparative Analysis RCA (Balassa Index, 1965), Symmetrical Revealed Comparative Analysis RSCA ((RCA -1)/(RCA+1)), and the Trade Balance Index (Lafay Index, 1990). The findings of this research reveal comparative advantages in several North Korean industries: textiles, coal, and steel among many others. The data also reveals the impacts of recent trade restrictions by the United States and China.


Steps to reproduce

The data was taken from a site that compiles trade data. The procedures for analysis and development of the indices are described in the academic papers listed within the reference section. Indeed, the reproduction of the indices is quite simple using Excel and following the published equations. The data published here shows the calculations that were made using the data and the formulas.


Hartwick College Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences


China, North Korea, Trade
