DFT binding and migration energies, KineCluE transport coefficients, and RIS results in ferritic Fe-X (X=Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, P, Si) dilute alloys
Published: 24 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4ckt339g7t.1
Luca MessinaDescription
This database collects the main results presented in the following publication: L. Messina, T. Schuler, M. Nastar, M. C. Marinica, and P. Olsson, "Solute diffusion by self-interstitial defects and radiation-induced segregation in ferritic Fe-X (X=Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, P, Si) dilute alloys", arXiv xxx (2019). Please cite this reference when using the data.
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Diffusion, DFT Method Application, Segregation, Transport Property of Condensed Matter, Low Alloy Ferritic Steel