Dataset of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method

Published: 9 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4dmr95h9t5.2
Ziortza Egiluz


The data obtained in the surveys carried out on a panel of experts are shown. The participants have more than 25 years of experience in the building retrofit sector. In this way, the importance of the economic, environmental, functional and social requirement has been obtained with respect to the rest according to the experience of the participants. In addition, the weight of each criterion with respect to others of the same requirement has been obtained. Similarly, the participants have identified the degree of importance of the criteria and parameters when selecting the most sustainable retrofit system. On the other hand, the maximum and minimum values of the indicators and parameters of different databases and software have been defined. In addition, the most critical type of façade, the type of thermal insulating material and the type of external cladding have been identified according to the indicator to be evaluated



Universidad del Pais Vasco


Sustainability, Building, Building Facade
