Seismic Fault Mechanisms and Numerical Simulation Layers for Tsunami Simulations along West Coasts of Sumatra, Indonesia

Published: 25 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4ds8n86wv3.1
Syamsidik Syamsidik,


These datasets consist of two parts. The first part is for seismic fault mechanisms along Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone (Table 1). There are five segments along the subduction zone, i.e. Aceh-Andaman, Nias-Simeulue, Siberut-Mentawai, Enggano, and Sunda Strait. The dimension of the faults were based on total energy released by the magnitudes and later were transformed into rupture area. The rupture area were calculated based on Scaling Laws of Wells and Coppersmith (1984). The second part is for the tsunami numerical simulation layers (see Table 2). These best fit to tsunami numerical simulations using Cornell Multigrid Coupled Tsunami Model (COMCOT). The layers cover all areas along the west coasts of Sumatra. There are five levels of the layers, namely Layer 1 until Layer 5. Layer 1 has the coarsest grids and Layer 5 has the finest grid size.


Steps to reproduce

Table 1 was reproduced by following Seismic Gap Maps published by Indonesia National Earthquake Center (PUSGEN) in 2017. The gaps are defined as megathrusts along the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone. Moment of Completeness (MCE) is assumed to be the largest potential earthquake in the segment (in Momen Magnitude/Mw). Meanwhille, all fault mechanisms are set as thrust faults. All earthquake magnitudes larger than 8.4 Mw are set as multi-faults. The smallest magnitude in the segment was set differently. In Aceh-Andaman Segment, the smallest magnitude of earthquake is 8.0 Mw, 7.9 Mw for Nias-Simeulue, 8.1 Mw for Mentawai-Siberut, 7.6 Mw for Enggano, and 7.9 for Sunda Strait. Table 2 was reproduced by dividing the simulation domain into five levels of layers. Layer 1 has the coarsest grid size of 1,856 m x 1,856 m. Layer 5 has the finest grid's size, which is 38.67 mx 38.67 m. The shape of the grid is rectangular. Ratios of the grid size between adjacent layers were set between 1 and 4. All the layers cover the west coasts area of Sumatra, Indonesia. These layers are fit for simulation layers using Cornell Multi Grid Coupled Tsunami Model (COMCOT). All layers adopt spherical coordinate system.


Universitas Syiah Kuala


Civil Engineering, Disaster, Tsunami Hazard Assessment, Disaster Mitigation
