Data and code for: A tutorial on individual participant data meta-analysis using Bayesian multilevel modeling to estimate alcohol intervention effects across heterogeneous studies (2019)
Published: 28 January 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4dw4kn97fz.2
, , , , Description
This repository contains the companion data and R code for Huh, Mun, Walters, Zhou, and Atkins (2019).
Steps to reproduce
1) Download the following files: "INTEGRATE_Tutorial_AnnotatedCode.r" (required R code) and "INTEGRATE_Tutorial_Data.Rdata" (required data) 2) Modify the location of the data file "INTEGRATE_Tutorial_Data.Rdata" referenced in the R code to the location on your system. 3) Run "INTEGRATE_Tutorial_AnnotatedCode.r" in R to replicate the analysis approach detailed in Huh, Mun, Walters, Zhou, & Atkins (2019). It may be necessary to install the following R packages: brms, coda, ggplot2, grid, gridExtra, and reshape.
University of Washington, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Alcohol Consumption, Meta-Analysis, Bayesian Analysis