Data on Toothbrushing Study Comparing Infrared-based Motion Tracking versus Video Observation

Published: 30 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4f384xrbhm.1


Here we present raw data on toothbrush position as determined by an automated motion tracking (MT) capability and by human video observation (VO). The MT system was developed for use in studies of toothbrushing habits as a potential substitute for the VO tool. The data was collected in 103 subjects who brushed with either a manual or a powered toothbrush. Forty-six subjects completed 2 brushing sessions; the second brushing session took place after subjects had received video instruction aimed at improving their brushing systematics. In each brushing session, 2 CSV files were generated: 1 file from MT and 1 file from VO. Filenames are coded with the internal labelling of the subject (first 4 numbers), labelling of the first or second brushing session (“001” or “002”), labelling of the toothbrush device (P: power toothbrush, M: manual toothbrush) and labelling indicating whether the subject was a left- (“L”) or right-handed (“R”) user.



Object Tracking (Computer Vision)
