Data for: Potential impacts of offshore oil spills on polar bears in the Chukchi Sea.

Published: 12 January 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4fd9wz2tw7.1
Ryan Wilson, Richard Balouskus, Deborah French-McCay, Craig Perham


The data sets titled 'Crackerjack' and 'Wrangel' contain 100 sub-folders which contain 76 geotiffs. The 100 sub-folders represent one realization of an oil spill originating at either the Crackerjack (N71.13, W166.14) or Wrangel (N70.20, W175.56) spill sites. Each file is labeled with the date the spill data correspond to. (i.e., days 1-76 post spill). Pixel values represent the number of grams of oil in the pixel (25km x 25km). The geotiffs are in NSIDC Sea Ice Polar Stereographic North projections. The data set titled 'crawl_oilspill.RData' is an R workspace that contains polar bear movement trajectories for 46 bears, with 100 draws from a model that incorporates the location uncertainty. The data set titled "RSFs" contains resource selection function estimates for each day of the simulated oil spills and were derived from resource selection coefficient estimates in Wilson, R.R., Regehr, E. V., Rode, K.D., St. Martin, M., 2016. Invariant polar bear habitat selection during a period of sea ice loss. Proc. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 283, 20160380. doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.0380



Arctic Ocean, Oil Spill, Bear, Wildlife
