Job advertisement and salary monitoring dataset for Latvia in 2021 Q1-Q2

Published: 21 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4fn48rn24c.1
Valerijs Skribans,
, Normunds Rudzitis,


In 2018, 28 of November, in Latvia the amendments to Section 32 (3) of the Labor Law entered into force, according with it employers are obliged to indicate in the advertisement wage. This database continue wages monitoring started in 2019 and show data observation for 2021. 2019 year was first year in Latvia, when based on job advertisement analysis it is possible to conclude about salary by occupations, salary grow. Advertisement analysis is operational pointer in comparison with official statistic data. This dataset represent job advertisement collection from biggest Latvian job advertisement web . Data was collected by week in 2021 in Q1-Q2, near 1700 advertisements per week. After collecting dataset was cleared from advertisements, in which it was not possible to identify occupations. After data cleaning dataset consist of 41 138 advertisements. First salary monitoring year (2020) data is possible see here Skribans, Valerijs (2021), “Job advertisement and salary monitoring dataset for Latvia in 2020”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/f3s8h6dzzf.1



Rigas Tehniska universitate


Economy, Econometrics, Data Mining, Labor Economics, Salary Management, Wage, Wage Level, Wage Structure, Database, Salary
