Greenpaths: D2.1. Set of enhanced indicators for assessing the social impacts of green transitions

Published: 30 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4fr3my2dny.2
Marcos Fernández-Gutiérrez, Syeda Aimen Abbas , Lara Gómez Ana, José María Zavala-Pérez


The GreenPaths project addresses the complex and multi-dimensional nature of the just transition. Drawing on an enhanced understanding of key issues, challenges and trends resulting from an in-depth review and synthesis of the latest and most relevant research, the project will enable the development and adoption of more coherent and effective policy strategies and instruments, furthering their positive outcomes and reducing their negative impacts on environmental sustainability and social well-being in Europe and the world. The project pays particular attention to the European Green Deal, the Fit for 55 package, and the actions funded by the Just Transition Fund and the European Social Fund+. The deliverable D2.1. "Set of enhanced indicators for assessing the social impacts of green transitions", consists in a collection of improved and refined indicators that can be used to evaluate the social effects of transitioning towards environmentally sustainable practices. These indicators are designed to capture a wider range of social impacts, such as employment, social protection, and equity, among others. They will contribute to the elaboration of a rigorous and comprehensive analytical framework (T2.4) for the implementation of a set of case studies (WP3). There are two types of indicators: those available indicators identified in reliable data repositories ('available indicators') and those indicators suggested as assessment mechanisms to be collected for the convenience of the GreenPaths project or any other similar project ('unavailable indicators'). The full list of contributors is the following: Syeda Aimen Abbas (USIEGEN); Thomas Kopp (USIEGEN) ; Marcos Fernández-Gutiérrez (UC); Ana Lara Gómez, (UC); Judith Clifton (UC); Daniel Diaz (UC); José María Zavala-Pérez (INTERMON) ; Daniel Chavez (TNI); Vedran Horvat (IPE) Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Contract No. 101112305


Steps to reproduce

Please check the corresponding report (D2.1. Set of enhanced indicators for assessing the social impacts of green transitions).


Sustainability, Social Impact Assessment, Just Transition


European Commission

