The 10-m crop maps for four major crops across 10 EU countries in 2018-2019

Published: 22 September 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4frtdtxsk9.2
, Zhao Zhang,


This dataset provides the 10-m crop maps for four major crops (maize, rapeseed, winter, and spring Triticeae crops) across 10 EU countries from 2018 to 2019. *** The data file is in “.tif" format *** Spatial extent: 10 EU countries *** Temporal Resolution: Yearly *** Pixel size: 10 m *** Projection information: EPSG: 4326 *** CropType: The raster values range from 1-5, represent other land covers (e.g., sugar beet, potato, sunflower, grassland), maize, winter Triticeae crops (i.e., winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye), rapeseed, and spring Triticeae crops (i.e., spring wheat, spring barley, spring oat), respectively. The raster values of 0 indicate nodata. *** Year: Values from 2018 to 2019



Remote Sensing, Cereal Crop
