Data for: Interactive Effects of Fuels Reduction and Large Herbivores on Shrub Assemblages in Dry Forests of the Interior West, USA
CSV file containing data used in our analysis including the following six tables: 1. Primary Matrix: includes the plot (rows) x species (columns) matrix used for our NMS analysis. 2. Secondary Matrix: includes our plot (rows) x site factors (columns) used in our joint-plots. MAP= mean annual precipitation, MAT=mean annual temperature. 3. NMS Scores: worksheet includes the output from our NMS analysis for plots (rows) and the three axis (columns). 4. Species Abundance Data: measured abundance by species by plot. Columns include: plot, species (using USDA Plants Database codes), Presence (1=yes; 0=no), Treated (Yes/No), Herbivory (Yes/No) and Group (treatment combinations). 5. Species Height Data: Height (measured and log transformed) by species by plot.Species names use USDA Plants Database codes. 6. Plot Summaries: plot richness, diversity, and total shrub abundance (sum of all species frequencies) by treatment.