Results of data processing obtained during thermal imaging survey procedures conducted towards enclosing structures within housing construction objects located in the city of St. Petersburg

Published: 12 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4h8kgst7rk.1


This report describes the results of data processing obtained during thermal imaging survey procedures conducted towards enclosing structures within housing construction objects located in the city of St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) in order to assess the practical significance of the results of the computational experiments presented in the report [1]. The above-mentioned data processing procedure involved calculation of a certain design characteristics on the basis of the thermal imaging survey procedures's results — thermograms obtained for enclosing structures within real housing construction projects corresponding to different energy efficiency classes in accordance with the regulatory documentation SR 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings” — with subsequent comparison of the calculation results related to the computational experiments and thermal imaging survey procedures. More detailed information on the structure of the above-mentioned data processing procedure and the results of its implementation is presented in the main sections of the report.


Steps to reproduce

For each individual enclosing structure, for which the thermal imaging survey procedure has been performed, the following characteristics have brrn calculated: the actual temperature of the structure, the thermal resistance of the structure. For each individual computational experiment, the following characteristics have been calculated: the required total thickness of the adaptive and compensating layers, the minimum and maximum thickness of each of the above-mentioned layers, the minimum and maximum thermal resistance determined by the thicknesses of the adaptive and compensating layers. The obtained results provide the opportunity to compare the ranges of required values ​​of the structure's thickness, at which the optimal solution is found without taking into account the discreteness constraints (with the use of previously developed mathematical model).


Sankt-Peterburgskij politehniceskij universitet Petra Velikogo Inzenerno-stroitel'nyj institut


Heat Transfer, Temperature, Building Envelope, Data Processing
