Sensitivity data for the gasification of macadamia nut shells
Published: 20 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4hdws53jfh.1
Fredrick NjugunaDescription
The datasheet contains simulation data using Aspen Plus software for the gasification of Macadamia nutshells. The data is for the selected gas species in syngas in terms of three variables; equivalence ratio, gasifying air temperature and the gasifier pressure. Aspen Plus data for the design of experiment is also presented for numerical optimization.
Steps to reproduce
A validated kinetic modeling was used to simulate gasification of Macadamia nutshells. Sensitivity analysis of the process parameters: Equivalence ratio, gasifying air temperature and pressure was conducted using the validated model. Design of experiment was used to obtain the simulation runs for numerical simulation.
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology College of Engineering and Technology