Correction of alar rim protrusion after direct closure of small alar defects

Published: 16 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4hg3zdtns7.1
Juan Jiménez-Cauhé


Figure 1. Patient 1: After direct closure of the defect perpendicular to the alar free margin, an alar downward protrusion is created (A). An area of skin with the same length and width as the protrusion is excised parallel to the alar rim at the inferior end of the suture (B). This secondary defect is then sutured, pulling upward the alar rim and repairing the protrusion (C, D). Figure 2. Patient 2: After direct closure of the defect perpendicular to the alar free margin, an alar downward protrusion is created (A, B). An area of skin with the same length and width as the protrusion is excised parallel to the alar rim at the inferior end of the suture. This secondary defect is then sutured, pulling upward the alar rim and repairing the protrusion (C, D).



Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal


Health Sciences
