Data for: Experimental design and response surface method in geothermal energy: A comprehensive study in probabilistic resource assessment

Published: 13 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4hxd747k8c.1
Marchel Christian Supijo, Topo Sutopo, Heru Berian Pratama


This entire data has used in the research. The MPJ file is a Minitab project created in Minitab application. The whole type of experimental design and response surface method are created in Minitab. The 'goft' file is a production result based on numerical modeling using TOUGH2 for all type of Experimental Design and Response Surface Method.



Statistics, Geothermal Energy, Experimental Design, Numerical Modeling, Reservoir Modeling, Reservoir Engineering, Geothermal Exploration
