Interpreting the power of art infusion for luxury brands: the role of acculturation to global consumer culture_dataset
The following serial mediation model is proposed: H1: Perceived Brand Globalness indirectly influences Purchase Intention through the indirect effect of Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture and Perceived Luxuriousness. A cross-sectional survey using an online questionnaire was used for this survey. The data were gathered during a three-month period and specifically during the months of June, July and August 2021. A non-probability judgment sample was used, following a snowballing approach to recruit participants (Malhotra & Birks, 2007). The target population of this study was limited to luxury consumers, thus we included a filter question of having purchased at least three luxury products within the last three years. As suggested by Dubois and Duquesne (1993). A total of 125 responses were collected, 54% of which were between the age group of 18-23 and 45% were between the age group of 24-30, while 74% were female and 26% were male. Through model 6 of Process Macro we found that Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture and Perceived Luxuriousness mediate the relationship between Perceived Brand Globalness and Purchase Intention, since 0 is not included in the confidence intervals [b=,1779, SE= ,0944, 95% CI [ ,0384 ,4043]. This confirms our hypothesis.