Giant Mud Crab Molting Visual Dataset
This dataset contains images of Giant Mud Crab growth before molting. This data is time series data that shows the growth of several crabs before it molts. The data is collected as a basis to develop an AI model that can predict the time to molt of a crab, especially Giant Mud Crab species (Scylla Serrata). The hypothesis for this data collection is that the time of a crab molting can be predicted by observing the visual cue (e.g. growth of limbs) that exist on the crab. The dataset contains image of 6 different crab that taken at the same time periods. The crab have different molting time, so the dataset has include the time-to-molt data for each image, that show how long the crab in the picture will molt. The dataset is gathered on November 2024 at a vertical crab farm in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Steps to reproduce
The data is collected from a vertical crab farm located at Surabaya, Indonesia. The data is collected during November 2024. Nine crabs are put in vertical crab house. For each day, the data is collected using this procedure: 1. Take the each crab from the crab house. 2. Take a picture from front, bottom, behind, and side. 3. Record the date of collection on the data table. 4. If the crab has molted, record the date of molting on the data table.
Ministry of Education and Culture