Biaxial strain data for composite materials

Published: 19 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4khs7jgtyz.1
Sunil Maria Benedict,


Dataset Description: Composite Material Stress and Strain This dataset encompasses stress and strain measurements obtained from experiments conducted on a composite material. The data spans various conditions or loading scenarios applied to the material, capturing the material's response concerning stress and strain in different dimensions. Features: Stress: The applied force per unit area exerted on the material, measured in an unspecified unit (normalised or scaled values). Strain in X: The change in length (or deformation) in the x-direction of the material concerning the applied force. Strain in Y: Similar to strain in X, this represents the deformation in the y-direction caused by the applied force. Strain XY: The shear deformation or strain occurring in the xy plane, perpendicular to the z-axis. Insights: Initial State (Data Point 0): The initial data point shows zero stress and strain across all dimensions, indicating the material's baseline state before any applied force. Progressive Stress-Strain Relationship: As the stress increases gradually from subsequent data points, there's a corresponding increment in strain values, demonstrating the material's response to increasing stress levels. The strains appear relatively small compared to the stress values, indicating a linear or proportional relationship between stress and strain within this range. Shear Strain Variation: Notably, the shear strain (Strain XY) remains consistently negative, suggesting a consistent type of deformation within the xy plane despite varying stress levels. Observations: Incremental Stress-Strain Behaviour: The stress increments marginally across data points, possibly representing a controlled stress test where the material is subjected to incremental loading. Consistency in Strain Patterns: Strain values show incremental changes, suggesting the material's linear or elastic behavior under these applied forces. Potential Analysis: Elastic Limit Exploration: Further analysis might involve determining the material's elastic limit or investigating potential deviations from linear behaviour as stress reaches higher levels. Comparative Studies: Comparative analysis with different material compositions or under varying environmental conditions could reveal how this composite material fares in comparison.


Steps to reproduce

import pandas as pd # Read the CSV file data = '/Users/sunilbenedict/Desktop/straincomposite.csv' data_analysis = pd.read_csv(data) # Display basic statistics for each column print("Descriptive Statistics:") print(data_analysis.describe()) # Calculate and display additional statistical parameters for each column print("\nAdditional Statistical Parameters:") for column in data_analysis.columns: print(f"Column: {column}") print(f"Mean: {data_analysis[column].mean()}") print(f"Standard Deviation: {data_analysis[column].std()}") print(f"Minimum Value: {data_analysis[column].min()}") print(f"Maximum Value: {data_analysis[column].max()}") print(f"Median: {data_analysis[column].median()}") print(f"Variance: {data_analysis[column].var()}") print(f"Sum: {data_analysis[column].sum()}") print(f"Skewness: {data_analysis[column].skew()}") print(f"Kurtosis: {data_analysis[column].kurtosis()}") print("---------------") # Additionally, to calculate correlation matrix: correlation_matrix = data_analysis.corr() print("\nCorrelation Matrix:") print(correlation_matrix)


CMR Group of institutions


Mathematics, Composite Material, Mathematical Modeling, Data Modeling
