Fiscal variables - Empirical Economics (2015)
Published: 17 July 2016| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4mp94jfxcs.1
Marcin WolskiDescription
This set contains the data used in the empirical analysis of Fincke and Wolski (Are European Fiscal Rules that Bad? Discretionary Fiscal Policies in New Member States, Empirical Economics, 2015). The variable specifications are described in the separate sheet. In particular, the variables include Primary balance (Seasonally Adjusted), Debt to GDP (SA), Output gap (SA), Interest rate gap (SA), Election dummies, Output gap for of the US (SA), group dummies. Data details are presented in the paper.
Steps to reproduce
To reproduce follow the steps and model specifications from the paper. The original estimations were carried out in STATA 13.
European Investment Bank
National Debt, Fiscal Policy