Dataset - Towards the Systematic Testing of Virtual Reality Programs
Published: 16 September 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4myfs585s9.2
Stevão AndradeDescription
This dataset contains data related to the experiment conducted in the paper Towards the Systematic Testing of Virtual Reality Programs. It contains an implementation of an approach for predicting defect proneness on unlabeled datasets- Average Clustering and Labeling (ACL). ACL models get good prediction performance and are comparable to typical supervised learning models in terms of F-measure. ACL offers a viable choice for defect prediction on unlabeled dataset. This dataset also contains analyzes related to code smells on C# repositories. Please check the paper to get futher information.
Steps to reproduce
Install requirements.txt through python PIP and run python scripts according to the needs
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Software Testing