Survey data on divers and barriers to consumers' intention to adopt an SPSS offer - Brufonctionnel project

Published: 20 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4n48pfcycx.1
Fanny Dethier,


Background: SPSS as a solution to sustainability challenges in modern consumption. Exploration of drivers and barriers (D&B) of SPSS adoption across three areas: mobility, clothing, and tooling. Data Collection: Collected as part of the Brufonctionnel project (ICHEC Brussels Management School & Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège. Financed by Innoviris. 2018-2021). Conducted during the last semester of 2021 through a self-administered online survey among Brussels inhabitants. Survey software: Limesurvey. Respondents randomly allocated a specific area of need and presented with a fictitious SPSS offer through a vignette. Sample Size: Initial observations: 1,192; After cleaning: 816. Distribution: 255 (Mobility), 265 (Clothing), 296 (Tooling). Methodology: Multigroup Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analyses used to test variations in D&B across areas of need. Likert scale used for the dependent variable ("subscription intention") and for independent variables except the 3 attitudinal ("consumerism", "materialism", environemnatl concerns") drivers and barriers (normalized multi-item scale) and the 4 control variables (continuous "age", binary "gender", categorical "education" and "net monthly income"). Format: Data: CSV format. Code: Stata format. Key Findings: 16 individual D&B empirically assessed, revealing variations among areas of need. Identification of three distinct categories of D&B: generic, non-significant, and area-specific.



Universite de Liege Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, ICHEC Brussels Management School


Sustainability, Consumer Practice, Product Service System, Consumer Intention


