A Virtual Reality Paradigm to assess Episodic Memory: Six different Maps and Schemes for Behavioral Assessment.

Published: 24 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4nt4t3zs8f.1
Fabian Schwimmbeck,
, Yvonne Höller


In this data-set, we provide a virtual reality task based on Unity3D/C# to assess episodic memory in a real-world miming scenario -i.e. walking through a virtual town. Participants may be instructed to walk through the virtual town in a self-paced manner (using arrow buttons) and to memorize items placed along the track through the map. After completing the track, participants may be instructed to recollect the items. The data-set includes an evaluation scheme to assess the participants performance based on five different scales: 1) What (the item i.e. "horse"), Detail (i.e. " was brown"), Where (Was the item located in the beginning/middle/end of the track?), Allocentrism ( attention to other items nearby: "Right beside the horse there was a man standing"), Egocentrism (orientation on the track: "Did you turn left or right after passing the item?) . Includes: 1. A training town for the instruction of the task and getting used to the navigation. 2. Six different virtual towns. 3. Evaluation schemes for behavioral assessment.



Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversitat


Behavioral Neuroscience, Virtual Reality, Memory, Electroencephalography in Epilepsy, Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning Paradigm, Episodic Memory
