Simulation data for CO2 corrosion rate of oil pipeline
This data present the corrosion rates of oil pipelines under harsh conditions (acidic fluid, high temperature, and low efficiency of corrosion inhibitor). The data have been generated by coupling an analytical corrosion rate model – NORSOK M506 – and Monte Carlo simulation. The variables used in the simulation include temperature of fluid, internal pressure, CO2 partial pressure, flow velocity inside the pipe, and corrosion inhibitor efficiency. Since the experimental and field measurements of internal corrosion rates are scarce - due to the cost and difficulty of inspection/monitoring techniques - the generated data can be used in development and validation of numerical and analytical models for predicting the corrosion rate of oil pipelines.
Steps to reproduce
Step 1. Probability distributions were considered for the input parameters: temperature of fluid, internal pressure, CO2 partial pressure, flow velocity inside the pipe, and corrosion inhibitor efficiency. Step 2. Given the input parameters, the M-506 corrosion model was coupled with Monte Carlo simulation and was run 10000 times to predicts the pH of the fluid, the shear stress on the internal surface of the pipe, and the radial corrosion rate. Step 3. The generated data was filtered to remove duplicates, resulting in a dataset consisting of non-replicating 243 arrays of data for the temperature, flow velocity, CO2 partial pressure, internal pressure, corrosion inhibitor efficiency, shear stress, pH, and corrosion rate.