Mathematical model for predicting butterfat concetration in bovine milk using electric conductivity properties, temperature and volume fraction of whole milk.
Published: 15 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4p7jjd7ccc.1
Shadreck MuyamboDescription
The data shows raw values of % butterfat, electric conductivity (S/m), volume fraction of whole milk, skimmed milk and cream and temperature at which the test were carried out. Also shown is the transformed data of electric conductivity/volume fraction of whole milk. The data was split into training data (N=78) and validation data (N=32). Validation data was used to test and determine the credibility of the mathematical model (equation 14-17) developed for analysis of butterfat. Validation methods used includes Passing & Bablok regression, Deming regression, Bland & Altman, Error index, RSR, NSE e.t.c.
Mathematical Modeling, Dairy, Analytical Chemistry Analysis