Database: Measurement of Online and Offline Personal Social Capital: Development and Validation of a Brief Scale

Published: 30 December 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4pc2zfc38d.2
Elisa Menardo, Roberto Cubelli, Giulia Balboni


Three studies were carried out to 1) adapt the Personal Social Capital Scale to the Italian context 2) develop the Personal On-Offline Social Capital Brief Scale, a brief scale for measuring online and offline bonding and bridging SC. 3) investigate convergent/divergent validity in relation to scales measuring constructs with different patterns of relationships with bonding and bridging SC (i.e., social support and stress; sense of community and health) Overall, the Personal On-Offline Social Capital Brief Scale was demonstrated to be a reliable and valid measure of online and offline bonding and bridging SC and to discriminate them from similar constructs. This scale is a useful instrument for planning public health interventions.



