White Pine in Madison, NJ

Published: 24 June 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/4pgdvk8ghn.2
Nargiz Abadzada


This data shows the locations and conditions of White Pine trees in Madison Borough, New Jersey. Using data from the Town of Madison & NJDEPB GIS (2022), it categorizes the trees' conditions and explores their relationship to nearby open spaces. This helps in assessing how environmental factors influence the health of White Pines in the area. From the data, we can see that: 1. Good Condition (2 trees): - Both trees are located in the eastern part of Madison Borough. - One is near the border with Florham Park Borough. - The other is close to the border with Chatham Borough. - Both are in areas with a lower percentage of open space (lighter green or white areas). 2. Fair Condition (51 trees): - These constitute the majority of the White Pines. - They are widely distributed throughout Madison Borough. - Some are in areas with a high percentage of open space (dark green), particularly in the western and eastern parts of the borough. - Others are in more urbanized areas (white areas on the map). 3. Poor Condition (17 trees): - Most are clustered in the southern part of Madison Borough, near Garfield Avenue. - This area seems to have less open space compared to other parts of the borough. - A few are also scattered in the northern and eastern parts. 4. Dead Trees (2 trees): - One is located in the western part of Madison Borough, in an area with a high percentage of open space. - The other is in the central part, in an area with less open space. 5. Vacancy (1 tree): - Located in the western part of Madison Borough, near the border with Harding Township. - It's in an area with a high percentage of open space. Overall, this analysis suggests that: - Trees in good condition are found in more urbanized areas, possibly indicating better care or more favorable conditions. - Most fair condition trees are distributed throughout, suggesting adaptability to various environments. - Poor-condition trees are concentrated in the southern, more urbanized part, possibly due to environmental stress or less care. - The presence of dead trees and vacancies in high open space areas could indicate natural causes or lack of management in these less developed zones. This information can guide urban forestry management, helping prioritize areas for tree care, replacement, or new plantings based on tree health and environmental factors like open space availability.


Steps to reproduce

Initial Data Sources: iNaturalist: Health assessments of White Pines in Madison Borough. NJDEPBGIS: Spatial data on open spaces in the borough. Data Integration: The health assessments were combined with the open space data to examine the relationship between tree health and proximity to protected areas. Visualization: The data were geocoded and visualized using ArcGIS software to analyze the distribution and health status of White Pines.


Drew University


Health, Urbanization, Tree, Land Use
