Smart City Governance, Innovations, Stakeholders' Satisfaction, and Crime Rate

Published: 21 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4py97s9x6t.1
Syed Asad Abbas Bokhari


Impact of Smart City Governance on Stakeholders' Satisfaction and Crime Rate: Moderating Impact of Institutional and Technological Innovation Hypothesis 1: Higher the city governance is smart, higher the likelihood that stakeholders’ satisfaction will be enhanced. Hypothesis 2: Higher the city governance is smart, higher the likelihood that crime rate in the city will be reduced. Hypothesis 3: Better the institutional innovation in smart city, higher the likelihood that stakeholders are happy and satisfied Hypothesis 4: Smart cities with better institutional innovation are likely to have lower crime rate Hypothesis 5: Institutional innovation moderates and strengthens the relationship between smart city governance and stakeholders’ satisfaction Hypothesis 6: Institutional innovation moderates and weakens the relationship between smart city governance and crime rates Hypothesis 7: Better the technological innovation in smart city, higher the likelihood that stakeholders are happy and satisfied Hypothesis 8: Smart cities with better technological innovation are likely to have lower crime rate Hypothesis 9: Technological innovation moderates and strengthens the relationship between smart city governance and stakeholders’ satisfaction Hypothesis 10: Technological innovation moderates and weakens the relationship between smart city governance and crime rates



Inha University


Public Administration, Innovation, Smart City, Stakeholder Analysis, Crime Prevention, Technological Innovation
