Seismic wavespeed model and relocated events for Southern California using data from 2000 to 2019

Published: 13 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4rdhjsc54p.1
, Yang Lu,


This data set consists of Wavespeed models and relocated events for Southern California derived using data from 2000 to 2019 in the SCEC data center, augmented by S wave data from automatic picking. SoCalRelocatedSeismicity.csv - Lat: Event latitude in decimal degrees - Lon: Event longitude in decimal degrees - Depth: Event depth (below sea level) in kilometers SoCalModel_Fangetal.csv - Lat: Latitude in decimal degrees - Lon: Longitude in decimal degrees - Depth: Depth (below sea level) in kilometers - Vp: Compressional wavespeed - Vs: Shear wavespeed - Vp_std: Standard deviation for Vp - Vs_std: Standard deviation for Vs



Sun Yat-Sen University


Geophysics, Seismology, Passive Source Seismology, Earthquake Hazard
