Dataset on Composite Risers for Deep Water Application
The local design of composite riser for deep water application has been carried out using ANSYS ACP for six design load cases and the model validated. Different materials used in the design of the composite riser, stacking sequence, orientation angles and the liner materials. Application of netting theory and optimization carried out with different categories were presented both in the research paper and in the dataset from the MATLAB code. For further interpretation of the data presented in this article, please see the research article ‘Composite Risers for Deep Waters Using a Numerical Modelling Approach - Amaechi Chiemela Victor, Gillett Nathaniel, Odijie Agbomerie Charles, Hou Xiaonan, Ye Jianqiao; Composite Structures, 2018’ [1].
Steps to reproduce
It requires Matlab software to run the program. Some other files are MS Word, MS Excel, JPEG and PDF formats.