Meta-analysis of Triticale effects on Broilers performance
1. Microsoft Excel file presenting the extracted data of the meta-analysis: (1) author, (2) year of publication, (3) experimental starting age (4) experimental period (5) broiler strain (6) treatment. Extracted outcome data included (1) live body weight, (2) body weight gain, (3) feed intake, and (4) feed conversion ratio. 2. Body weight gain cvs files 3. Feed intake cvs files 4. Feed conversion ratio cvs files 5. Live body weight cvs files
Steps to reproduce
A literature search was performed using the PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for systematic reporting reviews (Page et al., 2021). The articles were collected using keywords such as “triticale” and “broiler”, or a combination thereof from Google Scholar ( (accessed on February 07, 2022)), PubMed ( (accessed on April 12, 2022)), and Science Direct ( (accessed on April 12, 2022)). Articles were considered as the study subjects regardless of the year of publication. In the present meta-analysis, a study was judged eligible when the following criteria were met: In vivo study, (1) investigating the effect of dietary triticale inclusion level as treatment; (2) comparing the effect of one or multiple triticale inclusion level (s) to other cereals (maize, wheat…) effects; (3) using the broilers as an experimental animal; (4) reporting at least one response of growing parameters (live body weight, LBW; body weight gain, BWG; feed intake, FI; feed conversion ratio, FCR) with the respective variance (standard deviation, SD or standard error, SE). On the other hand, the review articles, studies in which triticale was the unique basal diet, and experiments using other animals than broilers were excluded. The eligible publications were compiled using an electronic form created in Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA). Extracted study characteristics included (1) author, (2) year of publication, (3) experimental starting age (4) experimental period (5) broiler strain (6) treatment. Extracted outcome data included (1) live body weight, (2) body weight gain, (3) feed intake, and (4) feed conversion ratio. The totality of statistical analyses was made using R software (version 4.1.0, R Development Core Team, 2021, (accessed on 14 April 2022)) with the meta, and metafor packages, and all hypothesis verifications were conducted within the 5% significance level. The means of the experimental units (control and treatment) were registered as continuous result data. The data were introduced in a comma-separated value (CSV) file and then submitted to R software. Four meta-analyses were run separately for each broiler’s growing parameters studied (LBW, BWG, FI, and FCR). The variations in triticale effects on broiler growing performance were calculated with the standardized mean difference (SMD) analysis. The effect size of each experimental unit comparing diet with or without triticale inclusion level was calculated for each outcome variable with Hedges’ g.