Batch 2. The folder Batch2 contains mzXML files obtained in a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis of Fc-linked IgG N-glycosylation profiles of mouse immunoglobulin G in a BXSB mice cohort, batch 2. First part of batch1 can be found in the following dataset: 10.17632/jygxpd7g7c.1 Second part of batch1 can be found in the following dataset: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/kjfw7cwnxf.1 Male BXSB mice spontaneously develop an autoimmune disorder similar to systemic lupus erethematousus (SLE) which involves production of autoreactive antibodies. We have isolated IgG from serum sampled at 10 and 18 weeks of age in a cohort of sex-matched BXS mice, treated either with anti-CD20 specific antibody that transiently depletes B-cells during the pre-phase of the disease or with an isotype antibody (control). IgG was digested with trypsin, the glycopeptides desalted and enriched by reverse-phase solid phase extraction and analyzed on an LC-MS system. We observed higher abundance of sialylated IgG1 and IgG2b/IgG2c glycoforms in the male mice treated with CD20-specific antibody as compared to isotype-treated male mice, while no major changes were observed in galactosylated IgG glycoforms between isotype and CD20-specific antibody treated male mice. Information about glycoforms observed in the samples and corresponding m/z values of analytes can be found in the excel sheet: Supplementary Table S1.xlsx Description of the samples could be found in the following excel sheet: Supplementary Table S2.xlsx