Large Scale Anonymized EPDS Data for Prenatal Women in Selected hospitals in Uganda

Published: 9 October 2023| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/4swmy34scp.4
, Mark Magumba,


This dataset contains EPDS scores along with demographic data for a large sample of prenatal women. EPDS stands for Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and is a well established tool for depression screening. EPDS was originally developed for postnatal depression but it has also been validated for other forms of depression including prenatal depression. The EPDS contains 10 questions with 4 possible response. The responses are scored from 0-3. This means it has a minimum score of 0 and a maximum possible score of 30 over all 10 questions. The data was collected from 11 hospitals within Kampala between January 2022 and April 2022 using an Android app implementation of EPDS with real-time transmission to a remote database. The data contains 14325 entries in a single .csv file



Makerere University College of Computing and Information Sciences


Psychology, Public Health


Makerere Research and Innovations Fund
