ARF7 promoter constructs alongside original expression data.
Published: 20 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4t9twsz9bg.1
Anthony BishoppDescription
There are two sets of data here. The first is plasmid sequences in .gbk files. Each folder relates to a different transgenic construct and contains two data types here. The first is .gb files containing plasmid sequences cloned into Arabidopsis. All constructs involve different variants of the ARF7 promoter. The second set of data are original confocal files for the imaged lines. There are 3 independent transgenic lines, each of which has its own file. The first intron of ARF7 is required for expression in root tips. Jingyi Han (撖静宜), Ute Voß, Teva Vernoux, Rahul Bhosale and Anthony Bishopp
University of Nottingham
Plant Biology, Gene Transcription, Auxin
Royal Society