Social influences in energy-related occupant behavior in shared office spaces
Published: 27 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4tnyzgwngw.1
Masab Khalid Annaqeeb, Anooshmita Das, , Description
This dataset contains the survey responses for the questionnaire titled 'Energy -related behavior at the workplace'. The survey was used to measure 10 variables (Attitudes, Perceived Behavioral Control, Descriptive Norms, Injunctive Norms, Intention, Habits, Personal Norms, Awareness of Consequences, Social Connectedness, and Identity) using two or more question items. The raw data file contains the response scores for each of these vriables, while the main file contains the variable score, derived from the average of the item scores.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Energy Use Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior