Pro and anti-system attitudes in Spanish-speaking countries

Published: 8 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4ts8z2fcn6.1
Miguel Clemente


This research aims to determine the attitude of people from various Spanish-speaking countries towards the political system, and whether said attitude reflects the specified anti-system attitude. Furthermore, it is intended to verify whether this attitude is presented concomitantly with the traits of the so-called Dark Personality (Machiavellianism, subclinical narcissism, subclinical psychopathy and everyday sadism), with social values (materialistic, postmaterialistic, religiosity, and hedonistic), with altruism, and with social desirability (Clemente and Espinosa, 2020; Espinosa and Clemente, 2020). The work hypotheses are: - H1: People will tend to divide into two categories, those who understand that democracy should be based on the representation of the three powers, and those who understand that democracy is only governmental power. - H2: It is possible to create a scale that determines which people have pro-system and anti-system attitudes. - H3: There will be a relationship between the dark personality variables and the attitude towards the political system, such that those who defend the anti-system perspective will present higher levels of the four Dark Personality traits than those who defend the existence of tripartite power (pro -system). - H4: The predominant values among anti-system people will be post-materialist, while for pro-system people they will be materialist. - H5: Social desirability will be higher in pro-system subjects, while scores on the altruism variable will be higher in anti-system subjects.


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Universidade da Coruna


Social Psychology, Political Psychology, Personality
